Teeth Whitening in Orange, TX

Professional teeth whitening treatments contain clinical agents that produce better, longer-lasting results than over-the-counter whitening products.

At Green & DiLeo Dentistry, one of our dentists will work with you to put together a whitening treatment plan that helps you achieve the shade of white you desire. If you’re ready to take the first step to having the bright, gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted, contact us today to schedule a consultation!


What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

If you’re looking to improve your smile, professional teeth whitening is an easy and effective approach. Professional teeth whitening erases tooth stains from coffee, tea, or smoking, restoring a youthful appearance. While teeth whitening can lighten your smile up to eight shades, it can also improve oral hygiene habits, motivating you to maintain a healthier lifestyle. This cosmetic dentistry treatment is one of few treatments that offers immediate results.

Will teeth whitening work on fillings?

It is not uncommon to have fillings or other dental work on teeth. However, teeth whitening generally doesn’t affect fillings or other dental restorations. The components of teeth whitening products only lighten natural teeth. If you have fillings that don’t match your natural tooth color, whitening your teeth could accentuate the color difference. By consulting with our cosmetic dentist, we can determine the best approach to achieve your desired smile results.

How many sessions of teeth whitening will I need?

Though an effective treatment, the number of teeth whitening sessions required to achieve your desired results depends on various factors. The severity of discoloration, method, and responsiveness of your teeth should all be considered. Typically, professional treatments require one to three sessions spaced over several weeks. At-home kits may require more frequent applications over a longer period. One of our dentists will determine the most suitable approach for your specific needs, ensuring optimal results with the fewest sessions possible.